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C/Porto Colón 10, Posterior, Local 2 (Alcorcón)

Hours: Mon to Thu: 09:00-14:00, 16:00-19:00
Friday: 08:00-15:00

No-obligation consultation

Inheritance Law

Lawyers specialized in heritage in Alcorcón

Lawyers specialized in heritage in Alcorcón

The inheritance law is that branch of the law that is compounded by the group of rules that control the assignment to be given to the goods and legal relationships of a person when they pass away. In Lara Law Firm we help you to process your inheritance whatever your circumstances may be.


Would you like a fast procedure of your inheritance? We offer consultacy in aceptance, rejection or objection of inheritances. Get yourself advised about all the deadlines and steps to follow when giving or receiving an inheritance.


The inheritance tax is accrued when transferring physycal assets or rights over properties from a decesased person to a living one. Contact our law office in Alcorcón (Madrid) and we will help you to handle this tax properly the tax.


This situation happens when the heirs cannot reach an agreement about the sharing of of the goods of the deceased. It can be requested by any of the heirs or legatees.

This situation involves going to the lower court to, once the inheritance has been intervened and a stock has been made before a court clerk, designate a state partitioner and a surveyor, who will proceed to the distribution.

We will advise and conduct you through this formality looking after your interests at all time.


Do you want to process a heredity but one or more heirs are obstructing it by not accepting or rejecting? We give you the best advice to make a notary request and force them to accept or reject it. In case the other heirs did not do anything the inheritance will be considered accepted once the deadline has been met (Civil Code art. 1005).

You have the right not to get an herency blocked by any of the coheirs. Our attorneys will help you to make the proccess fast.


There is a minimum share of every inheritance that cannot be touched or altered. It can't be modified in either its amount or the way it is paid and thus amy disposition that may violate the minimum share shall be declared as "futile". Also all previous donations or endowments that might have been made before the decease could be reduced, as they will be declared as futile. 

We hlep you to request those reductions in previous donations.


If you think your heirs incurr in any causation of unworthyness or disinheritance as contemplated in articles 756 and 852 of the Civil Code, such as denying nourishment without any legit reason, abusing or attacking you, among others. WE can advise you about these procedures so that you can choose who is your rightful heir.


Are you a heir but the deceased has not left any testament or it is invalid?

If you are facing a case of intestate succession or a case in which, by any reason, the last will must not be applied, this situation will be carried in tune with the current law. 

In Lara Law Firm we will be by your side during this process to make declaration of heirs and the subsequent division of the inheritance.

We carry out the paperwork for annulment of existing testament if this one incurrs in any cause of ineffectiveness, such as incapacity of the testator, violation of formalities, forbidden testamentary procedures or defects on the will when it was made.

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